Kara Vanderweele - Elementary

Kara Vanderweele - ElementaryShelby Elementary Principal Kara Vanderweele has plans to accept a position within Whitehall Public Schools as the new Director of Student Services.  Mrs. Vanderweele has been a teacher and administrator with Shelby Public Schools for close to 20 years.  Mrs. Vanderweele has recently led elementary staff through new literacy initiatives and efforts to combine elementary staff from two separate buildings into the new Shelby Elementary building this past winter.   

Mrs. Vanderweele will not be leaving Shelby until after a strong start to the school year takes place for staff and students.  The Shelby administrative team is taking initial steps to establish a transition plan that will serve to build upon the leadership that Mrs. Vanderweele has provided.  Elementary students, parents, and the community will be informed as steps are taken to establish new leadership at Shelby Elementary.  Thank you Mrs. Vanderweele for your many years of service in the district and best wishes moving forward.